Our Marketing Approach
KJ Commercial is dedicated to actively marketing your property to achieve a successful result through the following avenues:

We subscribe to all of the major commercial digital listing and marketing services including Loopnet, Costar, CREXi, CPIX and others to ensure that your property receives maximum exposure. Information is updated in real time and is easy to find for clients and brokers alike.

Broker Cooperation
We cooperate with Brokers to achieve the best results for our clients. This cooperation is essential for a successful marketing strategy. We constantly market our listings to the broker community through our email campaigns, assuring that they receive consistent, updated data on all of our properties.

Cold Calling
The most effective technique for filling property requirements is traditional cold calling.

Target Marketing through Email and Direct Mail
Property brochures and custom flyers with pertinent property information sent to businesses/industries we identify in our marketing strategy.

Economic Development / Local Municipal Organizations
We maintain strong relationships and work closely with various state, county and local business development agencies.

Professional Affiliations
We are committed to the highest level of service and knowledge in the marketplace and are actively involved in local and national real estate organizations, including International Council of Shopping Centers, Urban Land institute (ULI) and Commercial Board of Realtors (CBOR).

Strategically placed to maximize the exposure of your property.